Speaker • Data Science • Sensing & Action • Predators & Prey • Bats & Insects • Bioacoustics

Who I am: Experienced scientist (15+ yrs), auditory biologist, agile team & project leader with budget responsibility (10+ yrs), and teacher, trainer & consultant • Passionate about data-driven insights, life-sciences & technology, teaching & coaching, and user-oriented products • Analytical mind with focus on the big picture and attention to detail • Skilled trainer and speaker, experienced in communication with diverse audiences • DFG Emmy-Noether (2014) and Heisenberg (2021) awardee.
What I do/did: I am a sensory and behavioural biologist, investigating how animals perceive their world, act in it, and interact with each other. I combine empirical lab and field research with modelling, state-of-the-art technology and software development, and neurophysiology. I had the pleasure to lead and work with the great team of the Acoustic and Functional Ecology research group at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence in Seewiesen, Germany.
What I care about: Protecting the environment (for our us, our kids, and the wildlife) • Understanding natural processes, animal behaviour, intricate sensory mechanisms, and human influences • Educating about the beauty of the world • Minimizing anthropogenic impacts • Thus I now consult businesses to increase their sustainability
Not enough yet? Here are the media links, here's a detailed overview of my research, and there you'll find several short summaries of my research: