Speaker • Data Science • Sensing & Action • Predators & Prey • Bats & Insects • Bioacoustics
• Interview about "Bat-2-Bat-Communication" at the Bosch Global Podcast "From Knowhow to Wow" on "Vehicle-2-Anything Communication" [18:30 min onwards]
• Podcast about Léna's paper on how bats call differently (or not) depending on weather conditions.
• Scilight Lay summary of Léna's paper on how bats call differently (or not) depending on weather conditions.
• Public talk at the Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe: "Nächtliche Jäger: wie Fledermäuse mit den Ohren sehen - und was Insekten dagegen tun"
Mit über 1400 Arten sind Fledermäuse die zweitgrößte Gruppe der Säugetiere, und ökologisch am vielfältigsten. Sie fressen Früchte, bestäuben Blüten, jagen Insekten, können fliegen und orientieren sich per Schall in absoluter Dunkelheit. Wie „sieht“ die akustische Welt der Fledermäuse aus? Wie unterscheiden sie Beute von Baum? Und lässt die Beute sich das einfach gefallen?
• Invited lecture at the Future of Foraging seminar series. [Youtube]
• Video by the IZW Berlin summarizing our paper (Voigt et al 2021 Mammal Review) on acoustic monitoring of bats at wind turbines. [ENG] [DEU]
• Research covered in the Max Planck Research Magazine (issue 2/2020). [ENG] [DEU]
• Podcast about our research by detector.fm and the Max Planck Society (starting at 25:52 min).
Documentaries about bat-prey interactions and scientific research, for ARTE and ZDF (French-German / German TV broadcaster), by Blue Paw Artists (DE).
• National Geographic documentary “Nature’s secret language” (6-part series), 3 weeks filming at my field station in Bulgaria for the episode “hunters (and hunted) – predator-prey interactions”.
• "What about bats?" - A Science Theater by 36 monkeys and Antoniya Hubancheva
• Public lecture at the Open Day of Castle Ringberg of the Max Planck Society.
• Our research selected as one of the Scientific Highlights of the Max-Planck Yearbook 2018 [PDF p. 9].
• BBC 4 documentary “Inside the bat cave” (90 min), 3-day filming at my field station in Bulgaria.
<2019 selected events:
• GEO Tag der Natur, Bund Naturschutz Tutzing: bat & moth inventory with the public (2017).
• Open Day, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology: public talks, tours and displays (2017).
• Open Day, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology: public talks, tours and displays (2013).